Muslim Aid Wins NGO Leadership Award

The CMO ASIA – SRI LANKA CSR LEADERSHIP AWARDS are the highest recognition of corporate organisations that have a significant and positive impact on the lives of people around them. CSR programmes consider company’s commitment to and respect for communities, environment and the people. As such, Muslim Aid was awarded the NGO Leadership Award 2019 and was presented at a ceremony on 17th of July at the Taj Samudra. Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Muslim Aid is a British relief and development agency working in more than 20 countries with 12 Country Offices. The Sri Lanka Country Office was established in 2005 and works with all communities irrespective of faith, ethnic origin or political affiliations.
Muslim Aid Sri Lanka has been active in Sri Lanka over the last fourteen years supporting Education, Nutrition, Shelter, Peace & Reconciliation and Income Generation projects. The Sri Lanka Field Office was set up in May 2005, in the aftermath of the tsunami, to primarily address tsunami relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation work. Keeping in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 01 which is to end poverty, Muslim Aid focuses on Economic Empowerment and Livelihood Support to increase the income of vulnerable families in the country. At the same time Muslim Aid also implements the provision of clean Water and Sanitation (WASH) in line with SDG 06. Muslim Aid’s third thematic area of work is Humanitarian assistance and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) well as immediate response and relief/recovery efforts during the event of major disasters in the country. Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief has been a primary thematic area of work for Muslim Aid Sri Lanka since its inception.

Endorsed by the World CSR Congress and CMO Asia, the Sri Lanka CSR Leadership awards stands among the most prestigious platforms for the recognition of corporate efforts to positively impact the environment, individuals, communities and countries they operate in.
We are deeply honoured to have been selected as winners of the CSR NGO Leadership Award 2019, and are delighted to be recognized for the outreach and impact of Muslim Aid’s work in Sri Lanka. The award is a great source of encouragement to the team and has pushed us to work harder to uplift and enrich communities and the people of Sri Lanka.